Working Together to Improve Schools and Communities
For many years Carole and Ron
worked for economic and environmental health, safety, transparency & accountability
by valuing differences and asking, “Who benefits?”.
using facts, not BS (Bullying Speech).
They care about
equal Human Rights
Democracy of, by and for all
and sustainable finite critical Resources
Fish Creek Businesses: For 24 years they operated a successful hospitality and retail businesses in Gibraltar, WI.
- Learned employee and customer relations and how to manage finances
- Worked to restore historical buildings at Peninsula Park-View
Based on 60 years of diverse experiences in schooling Carole and Ron believe that the best public schools teach children to become caring adults whose job it is to understand their power to vote so they can make wise decisions about themselves, their families and their communities.
Oh! Duh! Primer is based on ideas learned from many experiences. Carole and Ron each taught 30 years in diverse neighborhoods with families of all income levels. Carole taught Pre-K to grade 12, at the university, and in two youth prisons. They believe that reading, researching and collaborating skill is essential to all learning and to good governing in a democracy of, by and for all people. They are concerned that because the skills were not part of the excellence in education program, ignorance was created.
- Ron taught tech ed and reading for a total of 30 years and also was a builder and owned a basement contracting and hospitality businesses.
- Carole taught science, social studies, language arts, remedial math, and reading in elementary, middle school and high school. She observed and helped teachers as a reading specialist K-12 and practicum teacher as part of her advanced studies at UW Madison and was selected as 1 of 3 people to represent the the UW at an international education conference in Sweden.
- For her Masters Thesis, Carole designed a schema to teach reading to diverse middle schoolers whose skills ranged from non readers to gifted readers.
Other experiences:
- Provided guidance for our treatment care foster son
- Recreation director in nursing homes, a youth prison, a hobby farmer and lifeguard at YMCA
- Helped partner build a log home, a passive solar home, and remodel a home to be an envelope home. Ron remodeled an old motel and two suites for a hospitality business.
- Worked to help political HDR candidates
- School board president when kids were in school and help as a board member of a political party.
Carole’s education: all K to 12 and advanced schooling has been in Wisconsin schools
- Bachelor’s Degree: UW Madison in School/Community Leadership in Recreation Education
- Additional Certifications: K-8 Classroom, Reading Teacher, Reading Specialist
- Post Masters research/certifications: curriculum, principal and superintendent
- Post masters thesis: Value differences using action research and post structural analysis
Hobbies: Biking, hiking, photography, supporting Door County arts and sharing stories.
- Each grey hair has a story about relatives, friends, teaching or travelers from all over the world
Believes in being a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage
- Believes everyone makes their own wise choices by questioning, researching and sharing to choose the best action to improve HDR in self and communities
- Views negatives as positives for change: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”
Carole’s Treasures: family
- Ron–husband and friend since kindergarten
- Heidi, a photo artist who owned 2forU Design and Georgi an internet geek.
- Carina ‘s Blue Horse restaurant and Michael’s home building skill, grand son Xander and grand dog Oakley